Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd
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Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd, with the corporate philosophy of 'Raising the world's temperature,' implements numerous unique initiatives. They not only develop websites and apps but also infuse each campaign with a solid philosophy, engaging in numerous challenges in the digital realm. At ACTBE Inc., we provide support in the digital domain not only for brand sites and apps but also for long-term campaigns.
Services we provided:
Development, UX/UI Design, Operation and Maintenance
Interview participants

Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd

Hitoshi Okada
EXO, Head of Business Management Unit


Ryosuke Fujihara
Takuya Ohashi
Development Unit Manager
Challenges they faced
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We couldn't find a partner who could realize our company's worldview and brand image in the digital realm.
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Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd decided to undergo a brand renewal in 2019 and consulted ACTBE Inc. Mr. Okada of Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd looked back on the situation at that time.

Okada :

At the time, the brand website incorporated all the information we wanted to convey to our customers, and we were unable to organize the information. The in-house system engineer had been developing and operating the site from scratch, but he felt the site was not up to the task when considering future operations. Therefore, we decided to launch and promote a brand renewal project.

I still remember that we were able to complete the project with a short delivery time of about 2 or 3 months and with quality assured.

Later, we decided to migrate from paper loyalty cards to a digital application, and we were developing it using an application development CMS. However, the CMS had limitations in terms of functionality and design, and the app was not in line with Soup Stock Tokyo's brand image. So we consulted with ACTBE Inc., and they realized the rendering part using WebView.
However, the CMS service for creating this application was to be terminated, so we consulted with Mr. Fujiwara, the representative of ACTBE Inc., about the future of the application, as he had been a close friend of ACTBE Inc.

The reason for choosing ACTBE Inc.
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It wasn't just about technical expertise; it was a proposal based on an understanding of the worldview we wanted to express.
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Among the many development companies, they chose ACTBE Inc. Mr. Okada explains that what made the difference was ACTBE Inc's responsive speed and their understanding of the worldview we wanted to express.

Okada :

When we requested the development of an existing app, we asked for a specification where the soup in the soup cup on the points screen would sway according to the tilt of the hardware. ACTBE Inc. was incredibly fast, delivering it in about two days.

Furthermore, at Soup Stock Tokyo, we value our own worldview. As reflected in our corporate philosophy of Raising the world's temperature,' everything we output, including the people involved in the production behind the scenes, is created with that in mind. We cherish the idea of conveying 'the warmth of people,' where even the personality of the individuals involved shines through.

Understanding this worldview and the fact that they completely embraced it as their own, they were proactive in thinking and moving together. With that, we didn't consider any other vendors and entrusted them with the task.

Our approach
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Because we understand the worldview they hold dear, we make it thoroughly our own.
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Due to the termination of the app creation CMS service, Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd consulted with us and decided to fully renew the native app and staff app. Reflecting on the support provided at the time and the considerations made, Fujihara, the CEO of ACTBE Inc. recalls the following.

Fujihara :

Through my involvement in the renewal project of the brand website and the development project of the existing app, I was able to understand the vision and dedication that Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd holds. That's why ACTBE Inc. strongly felt the desire to support Soup Stock Tokyo in realizing their worldview.

We set up regular meetings to draw out potential needs and were conscious of preventing discrepancies in understanding by closely coordinating through Slack. This remains unchanged even now, with the responsibility passing from me to Ohashi.

Ohashi :

Even now, as it was passed on from Fujihara, who was the initial contact person, we continue to hold that aspect dearly. Additionally, we provide support with a sense of ownership.

We actually visited the stores as users, using the app and inspecting its operation in the stores. Furthermore, as not only a digital partner but also fans of Soup Stock Tokyo, we sometimes visit the stores with internal members during campaigns.

Okada :

Mr. Ohashi offers suggestions and support from the point of view of Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd. Since we both value the idea of building something together, he is very easy to talk to and is quick to understand our needs.

In dealings with vendors, it's often the case that when we have a request like "We want you to fix this part," there's a tendency for it to take time due to the request not being effectively communicated, resulting in slight misalignments. However, with ACTBE Inc., we don't experience that kind of stress. ACTBE Inc. smoothly distinguishes between the parts where they make decisions and the parts where we make decisions.

Ohashi :

When we receive a request, we don't simply proceed with development as is; instead, we make a point to hear about the intended use and suggest better methods if available. Additionally, we strive to propose solutions tailored to your budget, such as leveraging previously used systems to reduce costs.

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It led to the realization of digital experiences and strengthened digital strategy.
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Since 2019, we have been involved as a digital partner, providing support for various outputs beyond brand sites and apps. What specific aspects have you appreciated about our support?

Okada :

Since receiving support from ACTBE Inc., the speed of output realization has significantly increased. Previously, we had limited development resources as there was only one internal system personnel handling it. However, ACTBE Inc. smoothly addresses this issue with their technological expertise and knowledge in the digital domain.
Moreover, separating the individuals responsible for requirement clarification and development has enabled us to form opinions from multiple perspectives. When developing solely by ourselves, there is a risk of specifications being influenced by internal convenience, such as focusing solely on ease of management. However, since ACTBE Inc. considers the user's perspective, incorporating it into the process has resulted in significantly positive outcomes. Our current app is also being well-received and used by store staff.

Fujihara :

The transition from print to digital user experience has left Soup Stock Tokyo with the impression of becoming proficient in digital strategy. Mr. Okada and the other team members actively absorbed digital knowledge. They also personally pondered the intricacies of the system, often asking "why?" Each meeting became more constructive over time, and we felt that the requests made to us also became more informed about digital matters. It was enjoyable to work collaboratively rather than just handing over tasks when they entrusted us with their requests.

Okada :

ACTBE Inc. has been a great help to us because they work as one team. We feel this even when the personnel change.

Fujihara :

I believe that ACTBE Inc. was able to embody the organizational culture of "solving the fundamental issues of our customers" in the early stages of our founding because we were entrusted with trust and requests from Soup Stock Tokyo co., Ltd. We hope to continue assisting in ‘Raising the world's temperature’ from the digital domain in the future.

* The content of the interview article is as of February 2024.



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